

Preparing your Practice for an Emergency

We know some practitioners believe they are too busy to plan for medical or other emergencies, but it’s because you have a busy practice that you need to make a plan.

What to Expect from Predecessor and Successor Accountants

CPA Newfoundland & Labrador receives many questions regarding what information to share with the successor accountant and what can be asked for from the predecessor accountant.

Technology's Impact on the Audit

Continuous technological developments are creating risks and opportunities for the audit profession today and into the future. Read this blog for updates on recent activities and to access our suite of helpful resources.

Revised CAS 315 Resources

CAS 315 has been significantly revised to promote a more effective risk identification and assessment. Learn about the changes to the standard and understand how these will impact your audit engagements.

Firm Newsletters

Our Firm Newsletters feature a collection of articles and links focused on areas of interest to those in public practice.